

Flexible object encapsulation for ambient-oriented programming

14 years 4 months ago
Flexible object encapsulation for ambient-oriented programming
In the emerging field of Ambient Intelligence (AmI), software is deployed in wireless open networks of mobile devices. Such open networks require stringent security measures as unknown and untrusted hosts may join the network. In an object-oriented language, where objects are distributed and moved across the network, it thus becomes important to be able to enforce object encapsulation. In contemporary object-oriented programming languages, powerful operations such as object extension (inheritance), cloning and reflection, are typically provided via omnipotent language operators that fail to uphold object encapsulation, because they can be applied without the explicit consent of the concerned object. This paper formulates a language design principle –extreme encapsulation– that precludes the use of such harmful operators, and proposes a corresponding language feature –method attributes– that makes it possible to provide the flexibility of object extension, cloning and refle...
Wolfgang De Meuter, Éric Tanter, Stijn Most
Added 14 Oct 2010
Updated 14 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DLS
Authors Wolfgang De Meuter, Éric Tanter, Stijn Mostinckx, Tom Van Cutsem, Jessie Dedecker
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