

Competing in the Dark: An Efficient Algorithm for Bandit Linear Optimization

14 years 4 months ago
Competing in the Dark: An Efficient Algorithm for Bandit Linear Optimization
We introduce an efficient algorithm for the problem of online linear optimization in the bandit setting which achieves the optimal O ( T) regret. The setting is a natural generalization of the nonstochastic multi-armed bandit problem, and the existence of an efficient optimal algorithm has been posed as an open problem in a number of recent papers. We show how the difficulties encountered by previous approaches are overcome by the use of a self-concordant potential function. Our approach presents a novel connection between online learning and interior point methods.
Jacob Abernethy, Elad Hazan, Alexander Rakhlin
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where COLT
Authors Jacob Abernethy, Elad Hazan, Alexander Rakhlin
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