

From Extensity to Protensity in CAS: Adding Sounds to Icons

14 years 4 months ago
From Extensity to Protensity in CAS: Adding Sounds to Icons
Abstract. Being aware of the gap between technological offers and user expectations, the paper aims to illustrate the necessity of anthropocentric designs ("user-pulled") and to reveal the dangers of current ICT designs ("technologypushed"). Since the gap is deepened because of insufficient innovative use of new agent-oriented technology potential, an affordable manner to "invent new Computer-Aided x" application domains is proposed. To substantiate the approach, the domain must be challenging, easy to implement and "as humanist as possible": Computer-Aided Semiosis (CAS). On this background, the paper also presents a new and challenging concept in IT applied research, borrowed from psychology and meant to assist the process of semiosis: protensity. If the prior researches focused on images and implicitly on extensity (i.e. extensity versus image-based messages; protensity versus sound-based messages), the idea is to extend CAS through innovative...
Alina E. Lascu, Alexandru V. Georgescu
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where COST
Authors Alina E. Lascu, Alexandru V. Georgescu
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