

Supporting Engagement and Floor Control in Hybrid Meetings

14 years 4 months ago
Supporting Engagement and Floor Control in Hybrid Meetings
Remote participants in hybrid meetings often have problems to follow what is going on in the (physical) meeting room they are connected with. This paper describes a videoconferencing system for participation in hybrid meetings. The system has been developed as a research vehicle to see how technology based on automatic real-time recognition of conversational behavior in meetings can be used to improve engagement and floor control by remote participants. The system uses modules for online speech recognition, real-time visual focus of attention as well as a module that signals who is being addressed by the speaker. A built-in keyword spotter allows an automatic meeting assistant to call the remote participant's attention when a topic of interest is raised, pointing at the transcription of the fragment to help him catch-up.
Rieks op den Akker, Dennis Hofs, Hendri Hondorp, H
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where COST
Authors Rieks op den Akker, Dennis Hofs, Hendri Hondorp, Harm op den Akker, Job Zwiers, Anton Nijholt
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