

A New Framework for Sharp and Efficient Resolution of NCSP with Manifolds of Solutions

14 years 4 months ago
A New Framework for Sharp and Efficient Resolution of NCSP with Manifolds of Solutions
When numerical CSPs are used to solve systems of n equations with n variables, the preconditioned interval Newton operator plays two key roles: First it allows handling the n equations as a global constraint, hence achieving a powerful contraction. Second it can prove rigorously the existence of solutions. However, none of these advantages can be used for under-constrained systems of equations, which have manifolds of solutions. A new framework is proposed in this paper to extend the advantages of the preconditioned interval Newton to under-constrained systems of equations. This is achieved simply by allowing domains of the NCSP to be parallelepipeds, which generalize the boxes usually used as domains. Keywords Interval analysis
Alexandre Goldsztejn, Laurent Granvilliers
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CP
Authors Alexandre Goldsztejn, Laurent Granvilliers
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