

Robust Solutions in Unstable Optimization Problems

14 years 4 months ago
Robust Solutions in Unstable Optimization Problems
We consider constraint optimization problems where costs (or preferences) are all given, but some are tagged as possibly unstable, and provided with a range of alternative values. We also allow for some uncontrollable variables, whose value cannot be decided by the agent in charge of taking the decisions, but will be decided by Nature or by some other agent. These two forms of uncertainty are often found in many scheduling and planning scenarios. For such problems, we define several notions of desirable solutions. Such notions take into account not only the optimality of the solutions, but also their degree of robustness (of the optimality status, or of the cost) w.r.t. the uncertainty present in the problem. We provide an algorithm to find solutions accordingly to the considered notions of optimality, and we study the properties of these algorithms. For the uncontrollable variables, we propose to adopt a variant of classical variable elimination, where we act pessimistically rather th...
Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, Kristen Brent
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, Kristen Brent Venable, Rina Dechter
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