

Pure Pointer Programs with Iteration

14 years 2 months ago
Pure Pointer Programs with Iteration
not use pointer arithmetic. Such "pure pointer algorithms" thus are a useful abstraction for studying the nature of logspace-computation. In this paper we introduce a formal class purple of pure pointer programs and study them on locally ordered graphs. Existing classes of pointer algorithms, such as Jumping Automata on Graphs (jags) or Deterministic Transitive Closure (dtc) logic, often exclude simple programs. purple subsumes these classes and allows for a natural representation of many graph algorithms that access the input graph using a constant number of pure pointers. It does so by providing a primitive for iterating an algorithm over all nodes of the input graph in an unspecified order. inters are given as an abstract data type rather than as binary digits we expect that logarithmic-size worktapes cannot be encoded using pointers as is done, e.g. in totally-ordered dtc-logic. We show that this is indeed the case by proving that the property "the number of nodes is...
Martin Hofmann, Ulrich Schöpp
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CSL
Authors Martin Hofmann, Ulrich Schöpp
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