—In this contribution, the Fisher-Bingham-5 (FB5) probability density function (pdf) is used to model the shape of the direction power spectral density function (psdf) of individual path components in the radio channel. The FB5 distribution is selected because, among all direction distributions, it maximizes the entropy under the constraints that the first and second distribution moments are specified. A SAGE (Space-Alternating Generalized Expectation-maximization) algorithm is derived based on this model for estimation of the parameters characterizing the direction psdf of each path component in a multi-path scenario. The performance of the SAGE algorithm is evaluated using measurement data. Preliminary results show that the estimated direction psdfs of individual path components exhibit different ovalnesses and tilt angles. These density functions are noticeably more concentrated than the corresponding footprints in the Bartlett spectrum.
Xuefeng Yin, Lingfeng Liu, Daniel K. Nielsen, Troe