

Model Driven Design and Implementation of Statistical Surveys

14 years 4 months ago
Model Driven Design and Implementation of Statistical Surveys
We describe the evolution of a statistical survey design visual language from a standalone design-time modelling language into an environment supporting design, coordination, execution and publication of complex statistical surveys. This involved, firstly, elaboration of the notation to support additional requirements, notably in the area of task modelling. Secondly, tool support has been extended to allow association of model components with survey artefacts, such as data sets, metadata, and statistical package analysis procedures, with the ability to then execute elements of the survey design model to implement the survey analysis. This permits rapid exploration of statistical questions, together with the ability to publish both analysis results and the techniques and processes used, the latter in the form of executable web services and generated documentation. Thirdly, we have undertaken a usability evaluation with a target end user sample that demonstrates strong satisfaction with...
Chul Hwee Kim, John G. Hosking, John C. Grundy
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Chul Hwee Kim, John G. Hosking, John C. Grundy
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