

Inter-organizational Knowledge Transfer in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Buyer's Perspective

14 years 4 months ago
Inter-organizational Knowledge Transfer in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Buyer's Perspective
We delineate an integrative view of interorganizational knowledge transfer (IOKT) in the upstream supply chain relationship from a buyer’s perspective. For this purpose, we suggest that the concept of IOKT can be classified into the source and the recipient type of knowledge transfer according to the direction of knowledge flow. A three-stage model (motivation-behaviors-performance) is adopted to examine the relationships between IOKT and its antecedent factors, and, in turn, between IOKT and organizational performance. By analyzing 140 buyersupplier relationships using the partial least squares (PLS) method, we verify our research hypotheses. The results show that each of these two sub-concepts of knowledge transfer has different motivational and resultant mechanism. In addition, we also consider information sharing as another key construct of IOKTrelated behavior, examining its relationship with motivational and resultant factors. Contributions of this research and future research...
Sung-Byung Yang, Young-Gul Kim
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Sung-Byung Yang, Young-Gul Kim
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