

Characterizing and Detecting Toric Loops in n-Dimensional Discrete Toric Spaces

14 years 5 months ago
Characterizing and Detecting Toric Loops in n-Dimensional Discrete Toric Spaces
Toric spaces being non-simply connected, it is possible to find in such spaces some loops which are not homotopic to a point: we call them toric loops. Some applications, such as the study of the relationship between the geometrical characteristics of a material and its physical properties, rely on three-dimensional discrete toric spaces and require detecting objects having a toric loop. In this work, we study objects embedded in discrete toric spaces, and propose a new definition of loops and equivalence of loops. Moreover, we introduce a characteristic of loops that we call wrapping vector: relying on this notion, we propose a linear time algorithm which detects whether an object has a toric loop or not.
John Chaussard, Gilles Bertrand, Michel Couprie
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DGCI
Authors John Chaussard, Gilles Bertrand, Michel Couprie
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