Abstract overlay networks have been considered enablers of efficient management for decentralized, large scale service deployments. A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is an example of service falling within this category. The result of our research is WebDMF, a management framework for distributed services based on the Web-Based EnManagement (WBEM) family of specifications. Abstract design, combined with a middleware layer of entities called "Representatives", makes WebDMF suitable for the management of a variety of services. Details related to the management of each particular service are detached from the representative logic. This paper discusses how WebDMF can be used for the management of CDNs. A WBEM provider resides on each host participating in the service deployment and implements CDNspecific operations. WebDMF representatives decentralize, unify and coordinate those on a deployment scale. Preliminary measurements on an emulated network topology are also presented as a...
George C. Oikonomou, Theodore K. Apostolopoulos