

AudioKrant, the daily spoken newspaper

14 years 4 months ago
AudioKrant, the daily spoken newspaper
Being subscribed to a newspaper, readers expect some basic things: receiving their paper in their mailbox early in the morning, being able to read it privately when and where they want, reading first what they find most interesting, etc. For people with a reading disability all this is not that obvious as only few accessible alternatives are around; accessible news on a daily basis does virtually not exist. Knowing that the number of visual disabled persons follows the rise in the ageing population, an increasing number of citizens however is getting debarred from a daily news reading experience. At present Belgium is one of the rare countries publishing a daily newspaper accessible to readers with a visual impairment, both in a Braille print and an electronic version. Notwithstanding major accessibility improvements over a printed newspaper, these newspapers still have some important barriers for many visually impaired readers. Reading requires specific skills and/or equipment, such ...
Bert Paepen
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Bert Paepen
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