

Radioastronomy Image Synthesis on the Cell/B.E.

14 years 4 months ago
Radioastronomy Image Synthesis on the Cell/B.E.
Abstract. Now that large radiotelescopes like SKA, LOFAR, or ASKAP, become available in different parts of the world, radioastronomers foresee a vast increase in the amount of data to gather, store and process. To keep the processing time bounded, parallelization and execution on (massively) parallel machines are required for the commonly-used radioastronomy software kernels. In this paper, we analyze data gridding and degridding, a very time-consuming kernel of radioastronomy image synthesis. To tackle its its dynamic behavior, we devise and implement a parallelization strategy for the Cell/B.E. multi-core processor, offering a cost-efficient alternative compared to classical supercomputers. Our experiments show that the application running on one Cell/B.E. is more than 20 times faster than the original application running on a commodity machine. Based on scalability experiments, we estimate the hardware requirements for a realistic radio-telescope. We conclude that our parallelizatio...
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Alexander S. van Amesfoort,
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Alexander S. van Amesfoort, Tim Cornwell, Andrew Mattingly, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Ger van Diepen, Henk J. Sips
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