

Building Secure Resources to Ensure Safe Computations in Distributed and Potentially Corrupted Environments

14 years 4 months ago
Building Secure Resources to Ensure Safe Computations in Distributed and Potentially Corrupted Environments
Abstract. Security and fault-tolerance is a big issue for intensive parallel computing in pervasive environments with hardware errors or malicious acts that may alter the result. In [1, 2] is presented a novel, robust and secure architecture able to offer intensive parallel computing in environments where resources may be corrupted. Some efficient resultchecking mechanisms are used to certify the results of an execution. The architecture is based on a limited number of safe resources that host the checkpoint server (used to store the graph) and the verifiers able to securely re-execute piece of tasks in a trusted way. We extend this approach in the case we have also some secure processors to build a trusted check-pointing infrastructure and to replace some untrusted nodes, avoiding some re-execution. Our approach is illustrated on a medical application and some experimental results are presented.
Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Guilla
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Sébastien Varrette, Jean-Louis Roch, Guillaume Duc, Ronan Keryell
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