

Conservative Adaptation in Metric Spaces

14 years 5 months ago
Conservative Adaptation in Metric Spaces
Conservative adaptation consists in a minimal change on a source case to be consistent with the target case, given the domain knowledge. It has been formalised in a previous work thanks to the AGM theory of belief revision applied to propositional logic. However, this formalism is rarely used in case-based reasoning systems. In this paper, conservative adaptation is extended to a more general representation framework, that includes also attribute-value formalisms. In this framework, a case is a class of case instances, which are elements of a metric space. Conservative adaptation is formalised in this framework and is extended to -conservative adaptation, that relaxes the conservativeness. These approaches to adaptation in a metric space transform adaptation problems to well-formulated optimization problems. A running example in the cooking domain is used to illustrate the notions that are introduced.
Julien Cojan, Jean Lieber
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Julien Cojan, Jean Lieber
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