

Nonverbal communication in multiplayer game worlds

14 years 4 months ago
Nonverbal communication in multiplayer game worlds
In this paper, methods for nonverbal communication in digital games and virtual worlds are explored as alternatives to chat and other text-based forms of communication. Inspired by prelinguistic societies and pictographic languages, the design of a new system called ‘symbolchat’ for virtual worlds is described. An online game is developed that uses this system at various levels in the game world. Reflecting upon the design and development of this system, and observation of it in use by players the application and role of nonverbal communication in digital games and virtual worlds is explored. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.5 [Arts and Humanities]: Player communication in virtual worlds – interaction design, Graphic User Interface, game design, digital media language. General Terms Experimentation, Languages Keywords digital games, MMOGs, iconography, visual communication, post-linguistic, interaction design, gameplay, digital media language, nonverbal communication.
Troy Innocent, Stewart Haines
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IE
Authors Troy Innocent, Stewart Haines
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