

New Interface Using Palm and Fingertip without Marker for Ubiquitous Environment

14 years 4 months ago
New Interface Using Palm and Fingertip without Marker for Ubiquitous Environment
We developed new interactive display system called the palm display. Our prototype system shows the image of graphical user interface on the palm and allows the user to have interaction with it using fingertip as they manipulate a common mobile device with stylus pen. We implemented this system using image processing technology and employed common projector and a networked PTZ camera. The feature of our prototype is that the system does not require user to wear any specific marker and not ask user to use additional device. In this paper, we describe the details of the palm display system and explain several issues regarding challenges in implementation and show the result of our preliminary user test. Keywords-Ubiquitous, Interaction, No marker system, Hand gesture, Finger gesture
Seokhwan Kim, Shin Takahashi, Jiro Tanaka
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Seokhwan Kim, Shin Takahashi, Jiro Tanaka
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