

Algebraic Signatures for Scalable Distributed Data Structures

15 years 2 months ago
Algebraic Signatures for Scalable Distributed Data Structures
Signatures detect changes to the data objects. Numerous schemes a known, e.g., the popular hash based SHA-1 standard. We propose a nov scheme we call algebraic signatures. We use the algebraic calculus in a G lois Field. One major consequence, new for any known signature schem is sure detection of limited changes of parameterized size. More precise we detect for sure any change that does not exceeds n-symbols for an symbol signature. For larger changes, the collision probability is typica insignificant, as for the other known schemes. We apply the algebraic sign tures to the Scalable Distributed Data Structures (SDDSs). We filter at t SDDS client node the updates that do not actually change the records. W also manage the concurrent updates to data stored in the SDDS RAM buc ets at the server nodes. We further use the scheme for the fast disk backup these buckets. We sign our objects with 4-byte signatures, instead of 20-by standard SHA-1 signatures that would be impractical for us. Ou...
Witold Litwin, Thomas J. E. Schwarz
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICDE
Authors Witold Litwin, Thomas J. E. Schwarz
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