

An Alternative Foundation for DeLP: Defeating Relations and Truth Values

14 years 3 months ago
An Alternative Foundation for DeLP: Defeating Relations and Truth Values
Abstract. In this paper we recast the formalism of argumentation formalism known as DeLP (Defeasible Logic Programming) in game-theoretic terms. By considering a game between a Proponent and an Opponent, in which they present arguments for and against each literal we obtain a bigger gamut of truth values for those literals and their negations as they are defended and attacked. An important role in the determination of warranted literals is assigned to a defeating relation among arguments. We consider first an unrestricted version in which these games may be infinite and then we analyze the underlying assumptions commonly used to make them finite. Under these restrictions the games are always determined -one of the players has a winning strategy. We show how varying the defeating relation may alter the set of truth values reachable under this formalism. We also show how alternative characterizations of the defeating relation may lead to different assignations of truth values to the lite...
Ignacio D. Viglizzo, Fernando A. Tohmé, Gui
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ignacio D. Viglizzo, Fernando A. Tohmé, Guillermo Ricardo Simari
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