

Modeling routing demand for early-stage FPGA architecture development

14 years 1 months ago
Modeling routing demand for early-stage FPGA architecture development
Architecture development for FPGAs has typically been a very empirical discipline, requiring the synthesis of benchmark circuits into candidate architectures. This is difficult to do in the early stages of architecture development, however, because there is no complete architecture to synthesize circuits into. The effort required to create prototype tools for nascent architectures is far too great for every new logic block or routing architecture idea, and so it would be extremely helpful to have a simple and intuitive FPGA interconnect model to guide the architect. In this paper we present such an interconnect model for island-style FPGAs, whose single output is the estimated routing demand (often referred to as W, the number of routing tracks per channel) for an FPGA as a function of several logic block, circuit and routing architecture parameters. The goal of this model is to be as simple as possible, while still accurate enough to be useful, to provide understanding and intuition ...
Wei Mark Fang, Jonathan Rose
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FPGA
Authors Wei Mark Fang, Jonathan Rose
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