

Digital hilbert transformers for FPGA-based phase-locked loops

14 years 4 months ago
Digital hilbert transformers for FPGA-based phase-locked loops
The phase detector is a main building block in phaselocked loop (PLL) applications. FPGAs permit the realtime implementation of the CORDIC algorithm which offers an efficient solution for an accurate phase detection, provided that the signal is available as an analytic signal. Different architectures for generating analytic signals by approximating the Hilbert transform were analyzed. Thereby, the focus has been on the demands based on the PLL application and the efficient implementation on FPGAs. Two methods were implemented using either FIR or complex filters. The FIR method results in a remaining phase error that has a zero mean value in time domain. An efficient IIR low-pass structure is proposed to suppress this phase error. The complex filters were implemented using a novel method based on complex, multiplier-less frequency sampling filters. Structures with different complexities are presented. A better result was achieved compared to a standard IIR filter design.
Martin Kumm, M. Shahab Sanjari
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FPL
Authors Martin Kumm, M. Shahab Sanjari
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