

Tracking the Evolution of Communities in Dynamic Social Networks

14 years 3 months ago
Tracking the Evolution of Communities in Dynamic Social Networks
Real-world social networks from a variety of domains can naturally be modelled as dynamic graphs. However, approaches to detecting communities have largely focused on identifying communities in static graphs. Recently, researchers have begun to consider the problem of tracking the evolution of groups of users in dynamic scenarios. Here we describe a model for tracking the progress of communities over time in a dynamic network, where each community is characterised by a series of significant evolutionary events. This model is used to motivate a community-matching strategy for efficiently identifying and tracking dynamic communities. Evaluations on synthetic graphs containing embedded events demonstrate that this strategy can successfully track communities over time in volatile networks. In addition, we describe experiments exploring the dynamic communities detected in a real mobile operator network containing millions of users.
Derek Greene, Dónal Doyle, Padraig Cunningh
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Derek Greene, Dónal Doyle, Padraig Cunningham
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