

You Talking to Me? A Corpus and Algorithm for Conversation Disentanglement

14 years 4 months ago
You Talking to Me? A Corpus and Algorithm for Conversation Disentanglement
When multiple conversations occur simultaneously, a listener must decide which conversation each utterance is part of in order to interpret and respond to it appropriately. We refer to this task as disentanglement. We present a corpus of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) dialogue in which the various conversations have been manually disentangled, and evaluate annotator reliability. This is, to our knowledge, the first such corpus for internet chat. We propose a graph-theoretic model for disentanglement, using discourse-based features which have not been previously applied to this task. The model's predicted disentanglements are highly correlated with manual annotations. 1 Motivation Simultaneous conversations seem to arise naturally in both informal social interactions and multi-party typed chat. Aoki et al. (2006)'s study of voice conversations among 8-10 people found an average of
Micha Elsner, Eugene Charniak
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ACL
Authors Micha Elsner, Eugene Charniak
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