

Fixing a Tournament

14 years 4 months ago
Fixing a Tournament
We consider a very natural problem concerned with game manipulation. Let G be a directed graph where the nodes represent players of a game, and an edge from u to v means that u can beat v in the game. (If an edge (u, v) is not present, one cannot match u and v.) Given G and a "favorite" node A, is it possible to set up the bracket of a balanced single-elimination tournament so that A is guaranteed to win, if matches occur as predicted by G? We show that the problem is NPcomplete for general graphs. For the case when G is a tournament graph we give several interesting conditions on the desired winner A for which there exists a balanced single-elimination tournament which A wins, and it can be found in polynomial time.
Virginia Vassilevska Williams
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where AAAI
Authors Virginia Vassilevska Williams
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