

Benchmarking SAP R/3 Archiving Scenarios

15 years 3 months ago
Benchmarking SAP R/3 Archiving Scenarios
According to a survey of the University of Berkeley [6], about 5 Exabytes of new information has been created in 2002. This information explosion affects also the database volumes of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems like SAP R/3, the market leader for ERP systems. Just like the overall information explosion, the database volumes of ERP systems are growing at a tremendous rate and some of them have reached a size of several Terabytes. OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) databases of this size are hard to maintain and tend to perform poorly. One way to limit the size of a database is data staging, i.e., to make use of an SAP technique called archiving. That is, data which are not needed for every-day operations are demoted from the database (disks) to tertiary storage (tapes). In cooperation with our research group, SAP is adapting their archiving techniques to accelerate the archiving process by integrating new technologies like XML and advanced database features. However, s...
Bernhard Zeller, Alfons Kemper
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICDE
Authors Bernhard Zeller, Alfons Kemper
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