

Trainable Generation of Big-Five Personality Styles through Data-Driven Parameter Estimation

14 years 4 months ago
Trainable Generation of Big-Five Personality Styles through Data-Driven Parameter Estimation
Previous work on statistical language generation has primarily focused on grammaticality and naturalness, scoring generation possibilities according to a language model or user feedback. More recent work has investigated data-driven techniques for controlling linguistic style without overgeneration, by reproducing variation dimensions extracted from corpora. Another line of work has produced handcrafted rule-based systems to control specific stylistic dimensions, such as politeness and personality. This paper describes a novel approach that automatically learns to produce recognisable variation along a meaningful stylistic dimension-personality--without the computational cost incurred by overgeneration techniques. We present the first evaluation of a data-driven generation method that projects multiple personality traits simultaneously and on a continuous scale. We compare our performance to a rule-based generator in the same domain.
François Mairesse, Marilyn A. Walker
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ACL
Authors François Mairesse, Marilyn A. Walker
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