

Valentini's cut-elimination for provability logic resolved

14 years 3 months ago
Valentini's cut-elimination for provability logic resolved
In 1983, Valentini presented a syntactic proof of cut-elimination for a sequent calculus GLSV for the provability logic GL where we have added the subscript V for "Valentini". The sequents in GLSV were built from sets, as opposed to multisets, thus avoiding an explicit contraction rule. From a syntactic point of view, it is more satisfying and formal to explicitly identify the applications of the contraction rule that are `hidden' in these set-based proofs of cut-elimination. There is often an underlying assumption that the move to a proof of cut-elimination for sequents built from multisets is easy. Recently, however, it has been claimed that Valentini's arguments to eliminate cut do not terminate when applied to a multiset formulation of GLSV with an explicit rule of contraction. The claim has led to much confusion and various authors have sought new proofs of cut-elimination for GL in a multiset setting. Here we refute this claim by placing Valentini's argum...
Rajeev Goré, Revantha Ramanayake
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AIML
Authors Rajeev Goré, Revantha Ramanayake
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