

On axiomatising products of Kripke frames, part II

14 years 3 months ago
On axiomatising products of Kripke frames, part II
We generalise some results of [7, 5] and show that if L is an -modal logic (for some ordinal 3) such that (i) L contains the product logic K and (ii) the product of -many trees of depth one and with arbitrary large finite branching is a frame for L, then any axiomatisation of L must contain infinitely many propositional variables. As a consequence we obtain that product logics like K, K4 , S4 , GL , and Grz cannot be axiomatised using finitely many propositional variables, whenever 3.
Agi Kurucz
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AIML
Authors Agi Kurucz
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