

Logic Programs for Repairing Inconsistent Dimensions in Data Warehouses

14 years 4 months ago
Logic Programs for Repairing Inconsistent Dimensions in Data Warehouses
A Data Warehouse (DW) is a data repository that integrates data from multiple sources and organizes the data according to a set of data structures called dimensions. Each dimension provides a perspective upon which the data can be viewed. In order to support an efficient processing of queries, a dimension is usually required to satisfy different classes of integrity constraints. In this paper, we study the problem of repairing a dimension when it fails to satisfy a set of two classes of integrity constraints: strictness constraints and covering constraints. We introduce the notion of minimal repair of a dimension in this context. A minimal repair is defined as a new dimension that is consistent with respect to the integrity constraints, which is obtained by applying a minimal amount of updates to the original dimension. We study the complexity of computing minimal repairs. Finally, we show how to characterize and compute minimal repairs of a dimension using Datalog programs with stable...
Loreto Bravo, Mónica Caniupán Marile
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where AMW
Authors Loreto Bravo, Mónica Caniupán Marileo, Carlos A. Hurtado
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