

Super-Fast XML Wrapper Generation in DB2: A Demonstration

15 years 1 months ago
Super-Fast XML Wrapper Generation in DB2: A Demonstration
The XML Wrapper is a new feature of the federated database capabilities of DB2/UDB v8. It enables users and applications to issue SQL queries against XML data from a variety of sources, including files and web services. The XML Wrapper assumes hierarchical XML documents modeled as families of virtual relational tables in a federated schema, which can then be queried to extract information from the XML and combine it with data from other sources. Due to the nature of the problem, using the XML Wrapper is complex and several difficult steps must be undertaken: (i) The hierarchical schema of the source must be flattened to a relational form. (ii) Each relation of the flattened schema must be registered in DB2 as a NICKNAME ? a complex virtual table definition containing several XPaths as specialized options. (iii) Each NICKNAME must be accompanied by a VIEW ? again a complex structure involving join conditions. Chocolate is a tool that alleviates all three tasks: Chocolate provides sever...
Vanja Josifovski, Sabine Massmann, Felix Naumann
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICDE
Authors Vanja Josifovski, Sabine Massmann, Felix Naumann
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