To help consumers dealing with their growing amount of home video, we have developed the Edit While Watching (EWW) system. It is designed to automatically create an edited version of a home video and then allow the users to modify and refine it in an easy, intuitive and lean-back way. To measure the ease of use, ease of learning, and effectiveness of the EWW system, we have performed a use test by means of giving participants tasks to do and interviewing them. The use test was focused on four main aspects: functionality, usability, pleasantness, and user satisfaction. The test was performed with eight participants, and was located in the Philips HomeLab, which resembles a home environment as much as possible. The results show that the system provides rather limited control of the editing functions, and the overview of the video material is unsatisfactory. However, the participants judged the system as an easy to learn and easy to use video editing tool. They expressed their pleasure i...