

Streaming Aerial Video Textures

14 years 1 months ago
Streaming Aerial Video Textures
We present a streaming compression algorithm for huge time-varying aerial imagery. New airborne optical sensors are capable of collecting billion-pixel images at multiple frames per second. These images must be transmitted through a low-bandwidth pipe requiring aggressive compression techniques. We achieve such compression by treating foreground portions of the imagery separately from background portions. Foreground information consists of moving objects, which form a tiny fraction of the total pixels. Background areas are compressed effectively over time using streaming wavelet analysis to compute a compact video texture map that represents several frames of raw input images. This map can be rendered efficiently using an algorithm amenable to GPU implementation. The core algorithmic contributions of this work are methods for fast, low-memory streaming wavelet compression and efficient display of wavelet video textures resulting from such compression. 1998 ACM Subject Classification J...
Christopher S. Co, Mark A. Duchaineau, Kenneth I.
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Christopher S. Co, Mark A. Duchaineau, Kenneth I. Joy
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