

Hubbub - An Innovative Customer Support Forum

14 years 4 months ago
Hubbub - An Innovative Customer Support Forum
Internet user forums have been proven to be effective not just as a community meeting place but also as a supporting tool for various business products. Traditional forums are designed with "browse and read" journey in which users have to select the right sub forum to get into and select topics to read from within. However, we have identified a new trend in forum design toward community question answering systems with an "ask questions first" user journey, a topic-less organisation, search based information retrieval and social network inspired alerting. Here, we report on the implementation and trial of such a forum, Hubbub, that epitomizes the aforementioned trend. It is designed to eliminate key issues found in current forum technologies and has been fielded as a support channel for a BT Softphone product, resulting in a significant reduction in support costs. We then report on the performance of this forum in practice and speculate on the reasons that forum desi...
Duong Nguyen, Simon Thompson, Cefn Hoile
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where BIS
Authors Duong Nguyen, Simon Thompson, Cefn Hoile
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