

Context-Dependent Recommendations with Items Splitting

14 years 4 months ago
Context-Dependent Recommendations with Items Splitting
Recommender systems are intelligent applications that help on-line users to tackle information overload by providing recommendations of relevant items. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a recommendation technique that exploits users' explicit feedbacks on items to predict the relevance of items not evaluated yet. In classical CF users' ratings are not specifying in which contextual conditions the item was evaluated (e.g., the time when the item was rated or the goal of the consumption). But, in some domains the context could heavily influence the relevance of the item and this must be taken into account. This paper analyzes the behavior of a technique which deals with context by generating new items that are restricted to a contextual situation. The ratings' vectors of some items are split in two vectors containing the ratings collected in two alternative contextual conditions. Hence, each split generates two fictitious items that are used in the prediction algorithm inst...
Linas Baltrunas, Francesco Ricci
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where IIR
Authors Linas Baltrunas, Francesco Ricci
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