

Lexicon Design for Transcription of Spontaneous Voice Messages

14 years 4 months ago
Lexicon Design for Transcription of Spontaneous Voice Messages
Building a comprehensive pronunciation lexicon is a crucial element in the success of any speech recognition engine. The first stage of lexicon design involves the compilation of a comprehensive word list that keeps the Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) word rate to a minimum. The second stage involves providing optimized phonemic representations for all lexical items on the list. The research presented here focuses on the first stage of lexicon design
Michal Gishri, Vered Silber-Varod, Ami Moyal
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where LREC
Authors Michal Gishri, Vered Silber-Varod, Ami Moyal
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