

Inter-sentential Relations in Information Extraction Corpora

14 years 4 months ago
Inter-sentential Relations in Information Extraction Corpora
In natural language relationships between entities can asserted within a single sentence or over many sentences in a document. Many information extraction systems are constrained to extracting binary relations that are asserted within a single sentence (single-sentence relations) and this limits the proportion of relations they can extract since those expressed across multiple sentences (inter-sentential relations) are not considered. The analysis in this paper focuses on finding the distribution of inter-sentential and single-sentence relations in two corpora used for the evaluation of information extraction systems: the MUC6 corpus and the ACE corpus from 2003. In order to carry out this analysis we had to manually mark up all the management succession relations described in the MUC6 corpus. It was found that inter-sentential relations constitute 28.5% and 9.4% of the total number of relations in MUC6 and ACE03 respectively. This places upper bounds on the recall of information extr...
Kumutha Swampillai, Mark Stevenson
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where LREC
Authors Kumutha Swampillai, Mark Stevenson
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