

Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis

14 years 4 months ago
Vergina: A Modern Greek Speech Database for Speech Synthesis
The present paper outlines the Vergina speech database, which was developed in support of research and development of corpus-based unit selection and statistical parametric speech synthesis systems for Modern Greek language. In the following, we describe the design, development and implementation of the recording campaign, as well as the annotation of the database. Specifically, a text corpus of approximately 5 million words, collected from newspaper articles, periodicals, and paragraphs of literature, was processed in order to select the utterances-sentences needed for producing the speech database and to achieve a reasonable phonetic coverage. The broad coverage and contents of the selected utterances-sentences of the database
Alexandros Lazaridis, Theodoros Kostoulas, Todor G
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where LREC
Authors Alexandros Lazaridis, Theodoros Kostoulas, Todor Ganchev, Iosif Mporas, Nikos Fakotakis
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