

Optimization of Self-Organizing Maps Ensemble in Prediction

14 years 4 months ago
Optimization of Self-Organizing Maps Ensemble in Prediction
The knowledge discovery process encounters the difficulties to analyze large amount of data. Indeed, some theoretical problems related to high dimensional spaces then appear and degrade the predictive capacity of algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new methodology to get a better representation and prediction of huge datasets. For that purpose, an ensemble approach is used to overcome problems related to high dimensional spaces. Self-Organized Map, which allows both a fast learning and a navigation through the data is used like base classifiers to learn several feature subspaces. A genetic algorithm optimizes diversity of the ensemble thanks to an adapted error measure. The experimentations show that this measure helps to construct a concise ensemble keeping representation capabilities. Furthermore, this approach is competitive in prediction with Boosting and Random Forests. I. MOTIVATIONS Because storage was no more subjected to important constraints of cost, the information syste...
Elie Prudhomme, Stéphane Lallich
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DMIN
Authors Elie Prudhomme, Stéphane Lallich
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