Web 2.0 is an emerging catch phrase and the applications associated with it shocked the traditional eLearning world. However, is this really all new and can it be considered suitable for future interfaces for technology enhanced learning? In this paper, we present some experiences with LearnLand. This is an application designed and developed at Graz University of Technology and which has been running there since October 2006. It is based on the opensource software ELGG, which is a social software offering a high degree of choice, flexibility and openness and is considered as a system that places people at the hub of the activities. Our experimental research demonstrated that exactly this ease of use aspect is an absolute necessity for successful Web 2.0 learning applications. The tools of Web 2.0 have crossed Moore’s chasm and reached the early majority, where they are evolving rapidly. However, the idea of social software itself, especially in learning scenarios, is not as far devel...
Martin Ebner, Andreas Holzinger, Hermann A. Maurer