

Progressive Content-Sensitive Data Retrieval in Sensor Networks

14 years 4 months ago
Progressive Content-Sensitive Data Retrieval in Sensor Networks
: Problem statement: For a sensor network comprising autonomous and self-organizing data sources, efficient similarity-based search for semantic-rich resources (such as video data) has been considered as a challenging task due to the lack of infrastructures and the multiple limitations (such as band-width, storage and energy). While the past research discussed much on routing protocols for sensor networks, few works have been reported on effective data retrieval with respect to optimized data search cost and fairness across various environment setups. This study presented the design of progressive content prediction approaches to facilitate efficient similarity-based search in sensor networks. Approach: The study proposed fully dynamic, hierarchy-free and non-flooding approaches. Association rules and Bayesian probabilities were generated to indicate the content distribution in the sensor network. The proposed algorithms generated the interest node set for a node based on its query his...
Bo Yang, Mareboyana Manohar, Shaoying Kou
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICWN
Authors Bo Yang, Mareboyana Manohar, Shaoying Kou
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