

Processus global d'acquisition et de gestion des sigles

14 years 4 months ago
Processus global d'acquisition et de gestion des sigles
This paper deals with an acronym/definition extraction approach from textual data (corpora) and the disambiguation of these definitions (or expansions). Both steps of our global process of acquisition and management of acronyms are precisely described. The first step consists in using markers such as brackets to identify expansion candidates. The alignment of the letters allows to select the acronym/definition couples. The second step is to define the relevant expansion of an acronym in a given context. Our method is based on statistical measurements (Mutual Information, Cubic Mutual Information, Dice Measure) and the results provided by search engines. This paper presents an evaluation of the global process from real data (general and specialized domain). MOTS-CL
Mathieu Roche, Violaine Prince
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Mathieu Roche, Violaine Prince
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