

Modeling Multidimensional Databases

15 years 3 months ago
Modeling Multidimensional Databases
We propose a data model and a few algebraic operations that provide semantic foundation to multidimensional databases. The distinguishing feature of the proposed model is the symmetric treatment not only of all dimensions but also measures. The model provides support for multiple hierarchies along each dimension and support for adhoc aggregates. The proposed operators are composable, reorderable, and closed in application. These operators are also minimal in the sense that none can be expressed in terms of others nor can any one be dropped without sacrificing functionality. They make possible the declarative specification and optimization of multidimensional database queries that are currently specified operationally. The operators have been designed to be translated to SQL and can be implemented either on top of a relational database system or within a special purpose multidimensional database engine. In effect, they provide an algebraic application programming interface (API) that a...
Rakesh Agrawal, Ashish Gupta, Sunita Sarawagi
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where ICDE
Authors Rakesh Agrawal, Ashish Gupta, Sunita Sarawagi
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