

Grid-VirtuE: A Layered Architecture for Grid Virtual Enterprises

14 years 4 months ago
Grid-VirtuE: A Layered Architecture for Grid Virtual Enterprises
A grid virtual enterprise is a community of independent enterprises concerned with a particular sector of the economy. Its members (nodes) are small or medium size enterprises (SME) engaged in bilateral transactions. An important principle of a grid virtual enterprise is the lack of any global “guiding force”, with each member of the community making its own independent decisions. In this paper we describe Grid-VirtuE, a three-layer architecture for grid virtual enterprises. The top layer of the architecture, representing its ultimate purpose, is an environment in which grid virtual enterprises can be modeled and implemented. This layer is supported by middleware infrastructure for grids, providing a host of grid services, such as node-to-node communication, bilateral transactions, and data collection. The bottom layer is essentially a distributed data warehouse for storing, sharing and analyzing the large amounts of data generated by the grid. Among other functionalities, the ware...
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Alessandro D'Atri, Andrea Gualt
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IFIP8
Authors Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Alessandro D'Atri, Andrea Gualtieri, Amihai Motro, Domenico Saccà
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