

Ontology Search with the OntoSelect Ontology Library

14 years 4 months ago
Ontology Search with the OntoSelect Ontology Library
OntoSelect is a dynamic web-based ontology library that harvests, analyzes and organizes ontologies published on the Semantic Web. OntoSelect allows searching as well as browsing of ontologies according to size (number of classes, properties), representation format (DAML, RDFS, OWL), connectedness (score over the number of included and referring ontologies) and human languages used for class- and object property-labels. Ontology search in OntoSelect is based on a combined measure of coverage, structure and connectedness. Further, and in contrast to other ontology search engines, OntoSelect provides ontology search based on a complete web document instead of one or more keywords only.
Paul Buitelaar, Thomas Eigner
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Paul Buitelaar, Thomas Eigner
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