

The European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies - a Multilingual Resource for Indexing, Retrieval, and Transl

14 years 4 months ago
The European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies - a Multilingual Resource for Indexing, Retrieval, and Transl
The multilingual European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies (European Thesaurus) is a special subject thesaurus for the field of international affairs. It is intended for use in libraries and documentation centres of academic institutions and international organizations. The European Thesaurus was established in a collaborative project involving a number of leading European research institutes on international politics. It integrates the controlled terminologies of several existing thesauri. The European Thesaurus comprises about 8,200 terms and proper names from the 24 subject areas covered by the thesaurus. Because of its multilinguality, the European Thesaurus can not only be used for indexing, retrieval and terminological reference, but serves also as a translation tool for the languages represented. The establishment of cross-concordances to related thesauri extends the range of application of the European Thesaurus even further. They enable the treatment of s...
Michael Kluck, Axel Huckstorf
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Michael Kluck, Axel Huckstorf
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