

DebugIT for Patient Safety - Improving the Treatment with Antibiotics through Multimedia Data Mining of Heterogeneous Clinical D

14 years 4 months ago
DebugIT for Patient Safety - Improving the Treatment with Antibiotics through Multimedia Data Mining of Heterogeneous Clinical D
The concepts and architecture underlying a large-scale integrating project funded within the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7) are discussed. The main objective of the project is to build a tool that will have a significant impact for the monitoring and the control of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistances in Europe; This will be realized by building a technical and semantic infrastructure able to share heterogeneous clinical data sets from different hospitals in different countries, with different languages and legislations; to analyze large amounts of this clinical data with advanced multimedia data mining and finally apply the obtained knowledge for clinical decisions and outcome monitoring. There are numerous challenges in this project at all levels, technical, semantical, legal and ethical that will have to be adressed. Keywords. Infectious disease, patient safety, semantic inter-operability, multimedia data mining, decision support, clinical outcome monitoring
Christian Lovis, Dirk Colaert, Veli N. Stroetmann
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where MIE
Authors Christian Lovis, Dirk Colaert, Veli N. Stroetmann
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