

A Rule-based Middleware for Business Process Execution

14 years 5 months ago
A Rule-based Middleware for Business Process Execution
Abstract. While past research in service oriented computing has focused on the fairly static functional description and the operators of services the dynamic and flexible composition and collaboration of services in business processes in style of semi-autonomous multi-agent systems has not been as thoroughly explored. Executable business process description languages such as BPEL provide only limited expressiveness to describe (business) decision logic and conditional reaction logic. In this paper we propose a rule-based representation approach to describe service-oriented business processes and implement a distributed execution middleware for such rule-based process specifications using rule engines as execution environments which are deployed as distributed agents / web-based inference services. This declarative rule-based approach which allows for semi-autonomous decisions and reactions within service-based business process execution has the potential to profoundly change the way IT...
Adrian Paschke, Alexander Kozlenkov
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where MKWI
Authors Adrian Paschke, Alexander Kozlenkov
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