

A Multi-Agent Architecture for Online Dispute Resolution Services

14 years 4 months ago
A Multi-Agent Architecture for Online Dispute Resolution Services
: Argumentation theory is often used in multi agent-systems to facilitate autonomous agent reasoning and multi-agent interaction. The technology can also be used to develop online negotiation and mediation services by providing argument structures that assist parties involved in a dispute to resolve outstanding issues or avoid future disputes. While Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) represents a move from a fixed and formal process to a more flexible one, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) moves ADR from a physical to a virtual place. The research aims to capitalise on the recent trend towards ODR by creating a JADE based multi-agent ODR environment. The utility functions and argument structures of two existing ODR applications are being re-deployed as Web based intelligent agents capable of intuitively coordinating during a negotiation. One agent uses expert knowledge of the Australian Family Law domain to recommend a percentage property split, while another uses heuristics and game t...
Brooke Abrahams, John Zeleznikow
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ODR
Authors Brooke Abrahams, John Zeleznikow
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