

Modular network trace analysis

14 years 4 months ago
Modular network trace analysis
In this paper we present EDAT, a tool designed for the analysis of trace files from network simulations and experiments. The EDAT framework encapsulates analysis steps in extensible operators. These can be arbitrarily combined to a flowbased analysis. The core of EDAT is a library of these operators implemented as classes in the scripting language Ruby. For ease of use, these can be visually assembled by means of a graphical user interface that also allows to configure and execute these operators. The results can be plotted in graphs that are directly usable in scientific publications. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2 [Network Architecture and Design]: Miscellaneous; I.6.6 [Simulation Output Analysis] General Terms Experimentation, Measurement, Performance, Verification Keywords Trace file analysis, wireless networks, ad hoc networks, experiments, simulation, visualization
Wolfgang Kieß, Nadine Chmill, Ulrich Wittels
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Wolfgang Kieß, Nadine Chmill, Ulrich Wittelsbürger, Martin Mauve
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